$900 million superannuation Retirement boost for thousands of workers: ‘Breaking News’

$900 million retirement boost

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has given back $932 million in unpaid super to 797,000 workers. This big move shows the ATO’s hard work to make sure employers pay their super on time. It’s key for workers’ retirement plans. Deputy commissioner Emma Rosenzweig said over 92% of super was paid without the ATO needing to … Read more

Low-Income Aussies Can Boost Super by $1,000, Says ATO

$1000 Superannuation boost

Did you know the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) offers two payments? These can increase the super balances of low-income and middle-income Aussies by up to $1000 a year. The payments are called the low-income super tax offset (LISTO) and the super co-contribution scheme. They aim to help Australians save more for retirement. mAJOR hIGHLIGHTS the … Read more